Good Times!!

Good Times!!
Featuring The Robbins

Friday, January 8, 2010

Waste Not Want Not

I have heard that expression at least a hundred times in my life. Although I think I interpreted it different in the past.  I am what you would call a "pack rat". I always put stuff away in boxes and say I might need that someday.  Needless to say I have about 10 or more containers next to my bed that are full of " I might need those some days".  I decided for this new year that I am going to make a drastic change in that area. I am going to totally downsize all of this frivolous nonsense I have held onto.  I think we tend to be gluttons over many things in life. Whether it be food, toys, clothes, shoes..etc..  I am ready to have just the bare essentials and simplify my home. My new year diet is going to consist of not only shedding pounds, but of the clutter in my closet, cabinets, toy boxes and wherever else it tends to collect. 

I tend to usually have a long list of wants and let them supersede the needs. I realize that if I would allow the needs to be met in my life that I would be more content and therefore wouldn't have so many wants.  My children have fallen victim already to this unhealthy way of living. I do believe that it is never too late to change bad habits, though. I need to pull in the reigns now and spend less at McDonald's and have more home cooked meals. Less time spent watching TV and on the computer and more time spent playing games together and reading stories. Waste not my time, my space and my money on things that will destroy and devalue the good things in life. Once harmony is made at home then it can be felt in other realms of our lives.


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