Time blazes by us without warning. You have to make the most of every moment you can. I was looking at photos over the holidays and saw pictures of some relatives that have passed away. One died as young as 5 years old and one a new dad in his mid 20's. Each day should not be taken for granted. I am going to find purpose for each one. My goal is to accomplish something everyday, even if it is as simple as cleaning house or telling my family how much I love them.
My baby is four and she is anxious to do what her older siblings are able to do.I am constantly telling my 11yr old daughter to stop wanting to grow up so fast. Our youth is gone in a blink of an eye. Hold on ...slow down. Life happens, just take it in stride and savor every drop. Making the most of it and not having regrets is what I want to get across here. Have fun, laugh, find joy and find it again even after the tears you have to shed from time to time.
Sounds like a great plan! I hope my girl has a long and fun childhood, I'll do my best to make it happen!