People usually freak out over change. We get into a routine and are comfortable. Changing things takes work and who wants to be bothered with that? Well "change" is exactly what I need to do. I have set idle for way too long and let things get out of control in my life. Life just doesn't improve on its own, you have to get out and make it better. Life really is a challenge and if it gets too easy that is actually where we find ourselves headed for disaster. Some people might disagree with that statement. But I really believe if we are not challenging ourselves all the time we tend to become content with just whatever foxhole we have landed in.
This month I have been pondering on the year ahead and what changes I need to make. I believe once you recognize your weaknesses you can work on making them your strengths. I must note that I am a reader and I strongly believe we can learn from others. Take from their experiences through their failures and successes and have them help you in your own life. I recently read the book "Eat, Pray, Love". I am not going to run off and leave my husband and family to find me, but I am willing to put more focus on these areas that will affect how we live and communicate as a family and in society. I am going to be working on three main areas in my life this next year. Mind, body and Spirit is my focus. Once I get these areas in check I believe my universe all around me will begin to make more sense.
The first change is focusing on consumption of food. One bad habit has been connecting food with entertainment. That can have negative results. My mind thinks to be entertained or have fun that I need to go eat. If I get depressed or upset I need to eat. Junk food is more affordable. That is another myth I have taught myself. It really isn't a myth, but I just need to learn how to buy healthier foods on a budget. Garbage in garbage out. Feeding me and my family this junk results in bad health, no energy and low self esteem. I am responsible, not only for my well being, but the well being of five other individuals. It is about time I took responsibility for us. My goal is to get out of this terrible habit and find a new menu and redefine the way I spend money on food. Less going out to McDonalds and Taco Bell and more staying at home with nutritious and interesting meals. I have to make the right choices now, so my children will have a healthier approach in their eating habits and what they teach their children. My first weakness is bad eating habits. Making the change here will help my appearance, health and the way I feel about myself. Next year I will be writing about a new me. I am already getting excited!
My next focus is on my mind. I mentioned earlier about being an avid reader. Knowledge is very beneficial on our journey through life. We can learn a lot by studying what others have done. Their steps may become ours and it helps to have some foreknowledge along the way. Encouragement or rather instructions in life sure come in handy. There is confidence gained by learning what others have overcome and accomplished. It helps us to raise our goals and standards to a higher level. Challenge yourself to always want to know more and have a greater understanding of life. It is really sad that we can't all have the maturity and education offered at the same time. Imagine how much greater our world would be if this were the case. When teens are going to college to get the education to get them that wonderful career, their minds are more interested in what party is going on that weekend or what they will be doing over break. If we could all just make it to 40, make our mistakes and leap back 20 years and do it again with the maturity we have gained and know what to do with that education, to value it more, what a difference we could make. Since I can't do that I need to focus on what I can do from this day forward to make a difference for my children's future. Encourage and reinforce being the key elements here. Everyone does better when they are encouraged. I need to acknowledge their strengths and help them with weaknesses. Discipline and consistency go hand in hand. I need to reinforce what I set out to do by being steadfast. I don't need to make promises I can't keep. There is a lot of learning and teaching ahead of me this next year. I am going to have to become more patient and adhere to perseverance. My other weakness is finances. I am not good at managing money. A lot of waste on food and unnecessary items. I need to not be a glutton of food or useless items. Make the change (money) make a change (difference) in my life.
In some respects I would think the biggest challenge for me would be the food and spiritual would be easy. At this time of my life though, my spirit is crushed a lot. I do not run so much to God for everything as I did as a child. I find myself doubting and confused and feeling unworthy. I am responsible for my own relationship with God, but I tend to lay blame at others a lot when I lack in my commitment to Him. I am going to have to become a stronger individual to blaze ahead through the turmoil I have in my life. When I got married, my husband and I were on common ground. We were equally yoked and both believed the same religious beliefs. We wanted to share these same beliefs with a family that we would have some day. Further down the road, my husband changed the way he believed and it has made for a rocky road to travel on. He has disregarded his belief in God and doesn't attend church. I, myself have become lazy and fallen into the bad habit of not attending church. I know this is wrong and I am doing a disservice to my children. I have to change this behavior. I am writing this publicly for accountability and prayer request, not to be judged. I know that God has a plan for my life and He always has. He knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. I know that I have gotten sidetracked and lost my way at times, but because He loves me He always gets my attention and reigns me in. One day at a time.
The changes I want to make in my life for this next year, I hope will become my way of life from here on out. I am looking and longing for positive results. I am going to make it a point to journal this journey in my blog. If anyone else can learn through my experience all the better. I hope others can make their own changes to live and have a more productive life. I welcome all prayers and encouragement.